i can not believe how many pictures i took of our time with aran and her family.
having aran visit us in our new home was wonderful, last time she visited it was bitterly cold and she was shooting photographs of a new england winter for her book. at that time i had fallen in love with miren instantly but i was too meet jon, and i was excited to hear his voice, for i had seen him grow through pictures, he is a very special little boy. the kids played well together, they fed the chickens and ducks, and where there as new chicks were born, they picked dandelion greens for our feathery friends. jon who at first was a little frightened of our very large bears( dogs) would come to love them and sneak out of the house just to sit and visit with them. miren had a voice too and she talked constantly although in her own little girl language, it was clear that soon she would speak in large sentences. she kept up with the big kids and clearly was the leader of the bunch.
Aran , miren and i were able to leave the kids behind with k. so that we could go to the farmers market and scenic tour of neighbouring towns sans entourage. i loved this time with aran, she spoke so fondly of her country Basque, the culture, the food, the scenery and her childhood, i loved hearing about those things especially her stories about her father who i believe could teach me so many things about the life i am living. we shared thoughts about children, marriages and careers all while pulling over to the side of the road and taking photographs.
I am so glad she came and i feel as if she will always come and every time she does i feel as if i am in the company of a dear friend. thank you aran for taking such lovely photographs of the life we have hear, making the food i make look good and your kindness and generosity.
now when are you coming back:)!
Ps. happy birthday Sir jon, a little package in the mail for you.
Loved hearing about your visit with Aran on both of your blogs. Your photos are stunning as well. I love the way you see the world:)
It's so important to have dear friends with whom you can share so much...
What a lovely post :-)
I love the image of the boy in front of the foggy window. It´s just gorgeous and has so much atmosphere.
love your picktures!
A life you can see, feel, smell, hear and live at full speed.
Beautiful endearing photos. You live in a wonderland.
Thank you for sharing.
I love my visits.
Oh how I loved seeing our time together through your lens. Beautiful post Nadia. We will be back soon! And jon is super excited about your little package now :)
From one Nadia to another: this is a most lovely and magic post. Amazing photographs that perfectly capture moments. I must say, this post makes me want to flee Manhattan for Vermont!
Nadia, as usual, these photos are inspiring! Would you allow me to use the poppy photo on my desktop? We can't grow poppies here. And I will gladly trade a beach photo or any of mine you might like!
Hi Peggy- hope all is well and course you can. your kind words made my heart smile.
I love the babe standing in front of the window. Breathtaking.
Oh! How lovelynthese photos are of your time together. I love seeing all the kids together having fun and your words are so kind. It looks like you all had a great time...You are a great friend Nadia!
By golly! You take the most lovely warm amazing pics!
I share you on my garden design blog
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