You have been gone for over two years and I have felt lost ever since. it has been longer still since I wrote anything on this page. I miss you terribly. Poet often when she is sad or does not get her way she brakes in to tears and starts crying about longing for home " our old hill mama, with Sophie and grace, Tolstoy and the garden were you cooked and we picked wild flowers.." she would sob and my throat would immediately feel like I swallowed a crater, I would do anything to hold back tears but eventually I would cry along side of her holding her and somehow my tears would quiet her tears, we would wipe them and promise to find our forever house soon. Our second hill was the forever house she wanted, wanted even after finding out about mold and agreeing with the Trust that it would be fixed, we went ahead and made an offer that was accepted. Oh Sophie I thought about you, grace and Tolstoy there ont the hill Just waiting or us to return, 'to make it safe for Poet to return" but that agreement was filled with Tolmach Trust toxic mold lies, betrayal and greed the kind that can not be fixed.
Sophie, the very moment you died, the phone rang that phone call led to a new life, but a life I wanted before and somehow confused as I purchased if I wanted it still. It turned our lives upside down, aging me a decade, questions every morsel of who I am something I never once questioned- I knew who I was from the age of five after my small body and my small spirit was ripped from me like so many little girls, I had resolved there and then siting in the apple tree who I would never be somehow I knew and kept hold it till two years ago when while burning croissants, canelles and bouchons and watching my body brake down from exhaustion I realized I no longer had a clue on who I was. Oh Sophie sometimes I think you would hate me know, this person, I have become.
Yet, here I am trying hard to get back to her, to find her or trace the steps back to when I last saw her, when I last felt in my own shoes.
My dearest Sophie I have promised others to write here and although this letter is filled with melancholy, I can see the lights come through the cracks....a self made promise to find her again.
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