Thursday, February 16

suddenly snow and galloping horses

i was organizing going through papers, cleaning cupboards when i heard the dogs barking a minute later i could feel the ground shake and the sound of galloping horses. i looked out the window and it was snowing. I grabbed my wool hat, put the battery in the camera and ran outside. seeing the horses at play is so beautiful.  they love the snow and the crisp air that comes with it. usually tolstoy and splash are slow heavy footed beast who spend there day eating hay and grazing( we have had no snow so they are still eating grass). to see them fly in the air, kick up their legs, roll and shake their heads is an experience you have to see for yourself, it is grand. My photographs are not the best i know but perhaps they give you a sense of what it is like.

Now i am back indoors, looking at gluten free recipes for this weekends house guest. a wonderful blogger who's book is the talk of the blogger sphere and her family, it is their first visit to the hill and i am a bit nervous but also excited and all this made better because it just might include snow!
wow it is really, really snowing now!


Carey Brown Strombotne said...

i think you've caught the moment beautifully! i can almost feel the thundering hoofbeats and the snowflakes melting on my tongue from here!

joanne said...

Wonderful, wonderful photographs! I can almost hear the roaring hooves and snorting nostrils from here!!

Jane Flanagan said...

Ah such beautiful images and energy!

Patricia Villamil said...

this is breathtaking, these majestic creatures are beautiful, i'd love to live on a farm just like you, i'm dream about it!

Jen said...

They are so handsome! The pictures are almost unbelievable--you captured it all so well.

Sanda Vuckovic Pagaimo said...

Amazing!!!Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing.. I felt like I was right their with you and those gorgeous excited horses....

Anonymous said...

How stunningly beautiful! If I want snow, I have to live through photos! MORE, MORE please!~Jan

Sweet Life Farm said...

It is thrilling to watch horses at play, to witness their power presented with such joy and grace. Top that off with the magic of snow…lovely! Tolstoy looks from a fairy tale in an enchanted time…so noble.

Unknown said...

Those are awesome photos.

Sweet Life Farm said...

Ps. Nadia, I sent you an e-mail message. Do enjoy your guests…how blessed to share time with you at your lovely home.

Bluebells and Lavender said...

Your photographs have captured in the intensity of the coldness..I can almost feel it. Have a lovely weekend with your house guest. Sharon

Deb said...

Lyrical post with irresistible images that draw us into the delight of winter, just lovely!

Tash said...

Oh these photos make my heart sing! Seeing tolstoy and splash (I adore their names) is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your photos, they always give me a taste of the hill and inspire me to follow some of my dreams. x

Rosita Vargas said...

Impresionante fotos adoro los caballos son libres y bellos,me gusta montar cuando voy al campo de papá.
Tu blog es maravilloso y tus receta buenísimas,abrazos y abrazos .

Bonbon Oiseau said...

these photos are so exciting!! what an incredible sight it must have been!

Jamie said...

Even on my worst days, I come to your blog and feel so much better after reading and viewing your wonderful photographs. Simply Beautiful!!!!

SARAH said...

is that a newf? thinking of adopting one of those sweet beasts in the near future :) also, tolstoy is the best name

onesilentwinter said...

Hi sarah,

yes that is our grace she is four years of age, she is a small pure bred newfounland.

Alicia P. said...

That just made me cry.
And I miss horses.