Friday, December 21

spirit in a storm

hi, how are you. I am good, i feel happy. it is friday and little signs of holiday cheer begin to fill the house.  a wind and rain storm came to the hill last night and stayed, today i could hear trees fall in the forest as horses bolted across the fields, such power in both sounds. I had to walk against the rain and wind to recconect the horse lines to post, i could barely manage it, how is it the ducks and chickens just sit there while giant trees get moved around and the weight of me begins to feel feather light, a wonder.

there is pine in the house and it hangs from every window, i found in me a deeper breath, i had taken too many shallow ones and now i slowly come back to life:).  there will be many trips to boston and a trip to montreal in the next week. I hope to bake and make soups, listen to good music, take long walks and hope fully play in snow and a string instrument ( hope).

Okay i must go collect more wood and feed the fire, hope you are warm and that you find your go to space if things get to hectic for you. i will write again, i think soon.

Happy Solstice.


Sweet Life Farm said...

Hello happy update from the hill. Wind, rain and snow have made chores and travel challenging here. Huge trees down and magical moments in the forest with flakes falling gently upon me while the creek rages by. My mom arrives tomorrow for the week of Christmas. This quiet, old farmhouse will be filled with family and celebration once again. Tonight had felt obliged to attend a birthday-solstice celebration down the road, with everything in me saying I had not the energy to go. Instead have carved out a space for me with the dogs in front of the woodstove craving stillness, taking in deep breaths. Happy Solstice, thus we begin our return to the light!

Anonymous said...

See you soon in Montreal sis...yay!