... i heard feet come down the stairs, how could it be? as i looked at the clock five thirty am and i had not made it to bed. I looked outside and there was the farm nestled in the most beautiful fog. somehow those worries that kept me up all night were instantly erased. as i stepped outside barefooted holding my camera i took as many deep breaths as i could- one would not be enough., i looked at it knowing that today this would be my heaven.
unless otherwise designated, all text and photographs on this blog are the copyrighted material of laporterouge and its author, or are used by permission. you may use or link to material on this blog provided you include proper attribution. thank you.
how are you doing ? Beautiful and peaceful fog.
Sending you a hug!! And I've always loved the fog. Lovely photos! xo
I just adore fog. Something so otherworldly and romantic about it. Thanks for sharing this.
There's something so magical about foggy weather; it's like anything can happen, like maybe a portal to a new world can open up. What a thought!
Mystic and misterious ... i just love the peace of early morning...
gorgeous photos--i love the feeling of morning after a night awake...it is totally an otherworldy and safe time. no people for a change only nature.
This is magic :)
these photos are like a sigh.
breathtaking, nadia...
just enjoying your latest trips, your mom, your niece and nephew... I am only returning after having been away too long
I'm sending positive thoughts your way. Hoping that you are ok.
What stunning, stunning photos Nadia.
Your photographs are amazing. Absolutely wonderful. When I grow up I want to take photographs like you.
Your words are nice too.
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