yes it is true and loving it. living in a tent. why not staying in a tent or gone camping, why have i chosen to write
i am living in a tent, simply because that is what i am doing. i am not on vacation well that could be debatable, my husband goes to work every morning. we go on with our everyday business the difference is i sleep in a tent, cook on an open fire.
I could use up alot of this post telling you how this came about but i have decided not to get into it except to say, that i did not take into consideration the “what ifs” i could hardly be blamed for it since i have been taught not to, but i am fully responsible for it, yet i believe it is exactly where i am meant to be.
we drove-away from our house on saturday after spending many days and hours cleaning organizing. i wanted it to be perfect for the guest that would be staying at our home. I have many mixed feelings about if i did enough and if the house was good enough. all i knew now was i was exhausted and time had run out. we drove away leaving the lilacs behind. stopped to say by to friends and got the longest overdue mocha. I was relieved i had wanted this moment to come, to tired to beat myself up. K and i chatted as my eyes opened and shut. he took my hand in his and said you are tired ..yes i answered and asked if it was okay to put my feet on the dashboard( a pet peeve of his) and he said of course i stared at my purple shoes facing the sky and shut my eyes again.
Arriving at our destination as the sun started to prepare for it’s exit and the ocean breeze caressed my arm as i swayed it from front to back, i knew it was all going to be okay, perhaps even better than okay.
the same sun lights your way today ...
Well this baby gives you permission to take more than a night and to really enjoy yourselves! :)
I *loved* going through your old posts about tent-living. Such inspiration for when Peter and I move into the Scamp! xoxo sweet Nadia!
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