this morning frost covered the ground and everything else it could find. sun floats bright in a almost cloudless sky.we would harvest the corn today, as much as we would need to carry us over the winter, they would serve as treats for the horses and clarabelle. as i was picking the corn, more like pulling i started to think of all those who really had to do this. all that had to hurry while spending sixteen hours in the field, hands raw, cut and sundried for maybe a meal or a roof. things have changed now at-least here on this side of the world big machinery has taken over, yet i can't help to think of the signs posted in cafeteria walls of companies, with all the agricultural laws and the tiniest minimum wages written all over them, at times even embarrassed, ashamed to-read them. how could hard working people who feed us get so little.
it is afternoon now, corn put away as fields are cut down. the sun shines beautiful the warmth of it's rays has reached us . we are hobby farmers today at best. the storm windows will get placed, clothes will shift from light to heavy. we hope for the arrival of one of our new additions, wondering about the others yet to come. for now we will go back outside and let the sun know we are grateful for it's arrival.
Great pictures, beautiful post. It's great to see that a lot of people still don't take everything for granted and know how blessed a lot of us are.
Thanks for sharing.
You are so right about our ancestors. They worked hard just to eat and to survive. I find it important when connecting to the Earth as you did today, to remember those who have gone before us and I'm constantly amazed at how people lived in days of old.
Can you imagine living in a tent with only a fire for heat? In our harsh and extremely cold winters? Brrrrr....
I'm glad you are enjoying your new lifestyle and that you found some sunshine at the end of your day.
*beautiful and oh so true*
well said.
Wow - how different to gather harvest for fun... rather than livelihood. Eye opening perspective that is so easy to forget when we have warm houses and plenty of food, and weekends off.
You are right how some things haven't changed for some people and there still are people suffering to feed us - right here in America. You said it in a lovely way! Lovely pictures of wellington boots too. The change of season is a bittersweet time.
"hobby farmers"... i love it!
Thank you for this post. You always leave me thinking and feeling. That's a blessing. xo
dear nadia,
i am so happy to hear from you again. lovely post and the fall photographs are delightful!
love, joy
Not so very long ago (because I'm only 24) I grew up on a small sheep farm and we helped my father hand-pick the outside rows of our corn fields because the the big corn picker that he borrowed from our neighbors wouldn't harvest them properly. I remember feeling cold and my hands would get chafed from the husks. Later we would have to shell the corn in my grandparents' corn crib with an ancient sheller that was cranked by hand. Small farming was hard work (imagine picking rocks out of the field every spring and dumping them into a moving wagon), but I'm very sad that our nation's food industry has made it almost impossible for this way of life to survive. My father couldn't make enough money to break even most years on the farm that his own grandfather had built. It is a shame. (Sorry for the excessively long comment - your post brought up memories.)
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