do you know that time in your life when you know a big change is about to take place, you have wanted it, but you feel anxious, nervous. you second guess yourself. you ask for signs but do not trust yourself enough to read them..i am there but i will take a drive now and try to leave those somewhere, anywhere but here..and maybe upon my return those unclear feelings would have left me...
*then i had a dream of a day will share photos soon!
i have a lot to say about eyes vs. heart....mainly that the eyes correctly predict the heart's future....and if the eyes are on vacation it can help to borrow someone elses....
i hope things clear...
what a stunning photo (the first one is my fav)
I hope things clear up
Your photos and your feeling say the same thing...
Hope everything will be fine.
i'm going through the same thing! be strong and trust your heart xx
Yes. I am approaching one of those times myself. I have some big changes coming up, most of which I want, but which scare me to death, too. When you figure out a strategy for coping with such feelings, please let me know!
I love the photos for this post. xo
Yes! When I get nervous, I'm pretty sure that I'm doing something right. If I feel too confident or cocky, it all seems to go haywire. In all things, I try to choose the option that makes me a little scared. And, guess what, it's those things that make me most proud.
Trust that when you were daydreaming and hoping you were onto the right thing. And embrace the fear!
Out of focus pictures, beautiful!!!!
María Cecilia
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