well here i am, in a new place therefore it must be a beginning. we have moved, left the city and we are in the country on the farm. we live on a farm in the country but wait, we are only twenty five minutes from the city. that might be perfect! so i decided that i would just give a little newness to the blog. i am nervous, the old is so familiar to me and perhaps to you so let try it together, i think we can get used to it.
the farm has a name, cucumber hill farm and i like it very much. i also love saying it, well mostly outloud to the dogs:)we introduced sophie and grace (dogs) to mike the horse and clarabelle the cow( not isabelle as i had thought). grace tried to play with the clarabelle and mike, we kept our eyes closed as we prepared for grace to be kicked by clarabelle, she tried her hardest but it is clear that she was happy to have grace around. sophie is much more calm and her and mike seem to have this quiet understanding and respect.
Oh dear friends, i am nervous, excited for this new beginning. there is so much to learn, like how to get clarabelle back into the pasture when she runs to the corn field for extra treats. or how to clear all the weeds from the pumpkin patch(1/2 acre of pumpkins), where to start the vegetable beds this year for next spring but mostly how to put my camera down, i am so inspired i can barely stand it: do not worry though the city has tall beautiful historical stone buildings, cafes and my studio so i will not just be a farm girl:) i also will be doing a few special photo shoots, working on special projects that i hope to share with you in the months to come, hopefully mixed in with some travel - so i guess what i am trying to say it will not be dull around here!
* i would like to say a special thanks to aran and paul for helping me with my blog redesign!
what a lovely, beautiful place to live!
looking forward to your future posts ...
Good luck, I am so excited for this new chapter in your life!
nadia, how wonderfully exciting! i look forward to seeing your new adventure unfold here.
just loving the new.
living in the country is the best move calvin and i ever could have made. i am sure that you are going to love it just as much!
how beautiful and peaceful nadia. we are all going to live vicariously through you. the new design looks fantastic!
so excited for you!!! thanks for sharing it all.
I wish you Peace, Love and above all Laughter, from the bottom of my heart.
And with such gorgeous companions I am sure there will be plenty of stories to share!
I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!
oh how exciting! it is going to be amazing... can't wait to see all you get up to out there!
oh my goodness! what an adventure. after looking over my syllabi for the fall, i think what i'd really rather do is head out to the country and get my hands dirty! but if you ever head back into the city for a cuppa at a cafe, i'd love to join! xo.
Beautiful and exciting!!!
jealous...if i could live 30 min by train from nyc and be in the country i would...but that's really more just suburbs. ick.
i'm loving the new look...and the farm, oh nadia, it sounds amazing ;)
Hello, beautiful pictures... ahhh, horses!! wonderful.
Don´t you have the "followers" option?? would love to follow you... meanwhile, you are in my list of blogs.
María Cecilia, from Chile
I'm also excited for being able to live this new life through you. Good thing is that you get to do all the pictures yourself...
oh nadia, how dreamy! i'm so excited for you - new blog look, new home, and new friends. i'm so looking forward to living farm life vicariously through you.
Wow, that is a veritable transition, you're amazing! The blog looks lovely, and I'm really looking forward to reading about your new adventures :)
Oh Nadia, wishing every happiness in your beautiful new home on cucumber hill farm - years and years of love and laughter! Things like working out how to weed the pumpkin patch will come... I don't blame you for just wanting to soak it all in through your lens right now. Can't wait to share this new adventure with you...
Your life sounds so idyllic! The best of both worlds. To work around people and activity and cafes. Yet to retreat to peacefulness, animals, nature and space.
Enjoy!! And I am glad for us that you can't put your camera down.
this is so exciting nadia!
Have just discovered your blog and I am wishing you all the best. You are doing what some people only dream of.
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