two pigs brought up together since they are young give birth at the same time. one of them is not able to deliver all of hers alive. she is not doing to well. the pink little ones need to eat on there own, they are confused and scared. everytime the healthy mother calls her babies to feed the unhealthy mum cries out wishing she could feed her young, but she does not have it in her. this all takes place at a farm down the road. a lump in my throat forms larger and larger but i continue to check on them hoping that mother pulls through. life is clear to me when i stand and look at the scene before me, the injustice of life, i have been reading a lot for a little project i will be working on "circumstance". i have to say i do not think i can ever develop the thick skin that is needed for such things.
Well just so we do not all get sad, i did visit the mum the other day and she is still living which is good and the babies are getting fat on goats milk and feed. I could not get a pig, although the owner wants me to take a couple they grow up to be huge and i have been thinking that i want to give all the animals in my care a lot of space to roam..
oh my gosh, those photos are so great!! so sad about the Mama pig, keep us posted:(
aww those are just adorable!
My heart goes out to the little family!
these photos are so darling! they made my day.
i hope the mama pig returns to good health. keep us posted!
oh goodness gracious. I'm definitely going vegetarian after these pictures.
ils sont adorables!!!
that is like the sweetest thing i have seen in a long time. makes me melt!
oh goodness, i hope they all make it. so sweet.
they're so sweet!!!
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