elle received flower headbands from the tooth-fairy.
elle is lovely. i always speak about her i know but if you knew her you would understand, she takes my breath away. i have one week left with her, she is a flower, no she is a garden. a garden that you want to wake up too, a garden that surprises you, full of layers, beauty and life... she can do anything and she does it well. i miss her and she is sitting right next to me as i type this post. i miss all that i will not see that i will not hear...all that i will not witness
Lovely pictures.. I wish I could spend more time with my niece.
Thank you for sharing.
aw you love her
she is a fortunate girl
Oh my! So, so sweet!!
I hope your last week lasts as if there were 48 hours per day : )
Elle is so beautiful.
you're both very sweet young ladies. i love her gifts from the tooth fairy. i think my tooth is a bit loose, too ;). enjoy your week.
this made me cry. the photos. the words. the sentiment. what a good aunt and what a beautiful niece.
what a perfect choice by the tooth fairy! I miss her already too:(
such a pretty girl! & what a lovely gift from the tooth fairy!
Yes she seems really adorable :)
Oh, what a sweet little girl that looks absolutely precious in her gift from the tooth fairy. Beautiful sentiments. Enjoy!
Oh dear! Elle is so lovely!
Yup, she is a garden, but not like the others, is a garden full of joy and inocence.
You took good photos!! I'm really envious of you =)!
how lucky she is to have you as an aunt - it's a important role you play.
so so sweet. i am sure she loves you dearly too.
elle a un regard qui dit tout, vivement l'enfance!!! so sweet!!!
lovely, beautiful girl!
such a sweet post. i love the headband!
Such magical charming images Of dear sweet Elle. From her eyes you can sense her quiet sweet nature....
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