Sunday, October 12

green with "ivy"

i was driving by this school and i had to stop it took my breath away. two thoughts came to mind- if i went here would i fail my year over an over just to remain or i wondered what would this setting have made out of me.....


Bonbon Oiseau said...

hi nadoia!!
these are incredibly gorgeous---so glad you got out of the car! i want to take a drive up there right now!!!

peachey said...

gorgeous. what lucky students.

Cannelle Et Vanille said...

oh soooo green... feels like the english countryside. gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

stunning, I too love ivy covered buildings (is there anything we don't equally adore I wonder?!). I am really falling in love with your town, it is now on my 'must see' travel destinations.

Jo said...

oh my, what a place!! so, so beautiful...

have a nice sunday!

Anonymous said...

lovely again... that green is my favorite!!

Helene said...

Gorgeous! I am glad you stopped!

Hila said...

oh these pictures gave me shivers - so lovely! I wish I lived in a ivy-covered little house in the woods somewhere.

Unknown said...

your blogs have also become part of my daily ritual. thank you for that. the school i attended looks like this. i return every year just to stroll through the gardens and to reminisce about the person i was and have become.

Absolutely Fabulous said...

dear nadia,
i sent you an email i hope you are ok, i didnt hear from you again.
thank you for your gift. i accept it.
i am taking comfort in your beautiful photos and words as well.
incidentally, i will be in middletown connecticut this weekend at wesleyan university and then NY.
you are in connecticut , aren't you?

Esti said...

a beautiful place; I'd never have thought it was a school... Don't get to see schools as stunningly pretty like this. I understand why you stopped to take the pictures :)

heidi said...

If you enrolled in this school, I'm afraid we would lose you in a wrinkle in time! These are some of the most beautiful pics ever.

. said...

ultimately life-affirming

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Neat place, I bet it would be an awesome locale for foggy, rainy day pics.

corine said...

Can I post those on my blog? tell me I can!!

Erin Sledd said...

I would be so studious if I went to school here . . . when I wasn't gazing out the window in wonder . . .

Unknown said...

I am in love with all the ivy.

p.s. I am starting a gift exchange for this holiday season and thought you might enjoy participating. You can get all the details at my blog, here

kendalee said...

So glad you gave in to the impulse to stop and take these gorgeous pictures! What is it about the combination of ivy and old stone that just seems so right I wonder?!

dee said...

This is the best thing I've seen all day.

a girl said...

there is where i want to be

onesilentwinter said...

I would be honored corine!

Camille said...

Gorgeous school! (Do you know which it is? When we used to drive from Cape Cod to NJ, we'd go through RI, taking back roads and pass a school that was very pretty. I wonder if is the same.)

I always try to bring my camera with me, but I still forget it too much. I saw the most incredible "moon set" on my way to swim practice early this morning...and oops, no camera!

H. Camerio said...

love, love, love these!!!!!!! they are all so beautiful! my in-laws live very close to this time we're down there, i'll have to make a special trip!

montague said...

i love how ivy takes over the whole building!!

Claire, said...

Which school is it?... beautiful!